Välkommen på WIP och mingel under Stockholms filmfestival
Publicerad: 2024-10-29

Under Stockholms filmfestivals Industry Days arrangerar Film Stockholm och Film på Gotland ett gemensamt work in progress och nätverksmingel den 12 november. Läs mer om evenemangen och hur du anmäler dig här nedan.
Informationen kommer från Stockholm Industry Days industry guide.
Work in progress: New voices of Swedish cinema
Film Stockholm and Film Gotland have a longstanding collaboration on matters concerning film production and talent development. Since 2021, the collaboration is formalized and includes co-production, talent development and sustainability issues.
Film Stockholm Debut is an initiative aimed at debuting feature film directors in Stockholm. The program offers development support, group and individual meetings, tailored workshops and exclusive meetings with people from the international industry — as well as visibility at Stockholm International Film Festival.
At this work-in-progress session, four participating teams from Film Stockholm Debut and three from Talent To Watch Gotland will present their projects in the making.
This collaboration between Film Stockholm, Film Gotland, and Stockholm Industry Days aims to further strengthen the existing platform and promote young, Swedish film. A strengthened collaboration has the ability to sustain a larger network, and give our Swedish filmmakers the opportunity to be seen by a wider audience—in the Nordics and beyond.
Titles and directors:
»A FACE TO BE LOVED« by Angelica Ruffier (Film Stockholm Debut)
»ANNA AND EVA « by Patty Pajak (Talent to Watch Gotland)
»JOLENE« by My Sandström & Alexandra Litén (Film Stockholm Debut)
»KING WITHOUT A CROWN« by Isa Aouifia (Talent to Watch Gotland)
»PARADISE« by Josephine Baird (Talent to Watch Gotland)
»THE ART OF ENJOYMENT« by SaraKlara Hellström (Film Stockholm Debut)
»THE EARWIG« by Sebastian Johansson Micci (Film Stockholm Debut)
VAR? Bio Mauritz, Filmhuset.
NÄR? 12 november, kl 16:45–18:15
Cocktail with Film Stockholm and Film Gotland
At this event, you’ll have the opportunity to meet the creative talents from Film Stockholm Debut and Film på Gotland, who will be presenting their latest projects at Works In Progress: Film Stockholm Debut Earlier in the day. Stay, Sip, and socialize with the filmmakers shaping the future of Swedish film.
VAR? Soho House, Majorsgatan 7.
NÄR? 12 november 2024, kl 18:45–21:00
Båda evenemangen kräver normalt Industry Pass, men Film Stockholm har möjlighet att bjuda in ett antal gäster. Anmäl dig nedan om du vill gå på något av evenemangen.
(Om du har Industry Pass behöver du bara anmäla dig till minglet hos Stockholm Industry Days här, anmälan till work in progress behövs inte.)