Locations in the archipelago

Photographer: Henrik Trygg
Of course you would want to have a look at different locations. And of course you google stuff. And of course you want to be there in person. But the next best thing is seeing it online, from different angles. So, here are some web links that might help you:
Stockholm Media Bank
An open archive presented by Visit Stockholm. You can search for all different kinds of images and films. Have a look here.
Explore archipelago
An excellent site to help you see what is available in the archipelago. Here you can find restaurants, housing and more. But most importantly you will find a map with the different destinations and descriptions of them here.
Stockholm archipelago
A very good resource to get a feel of the archipelago and the available possibilities. It was created to attract visitors and tourists but as filmmakers we use all the resources we can get and this is a good one here.
A project to present the archipelago with 360-images. It is a work in progress still being developed. Have a look here.
The archipelago foundation
This is one of the largest property owners in the archipelago. They have an informative website and a film policy. Look here.
This is a Swedish location webpage. Have a look here.
National Property Board
The National Property Board (Statens Fastighetsverk, SFV) har numerous historic locations and proprerties. They have most of their inventory listed in Swedish here but you can browse around. They ar also willing to help on request so send them an enquiry via email. You can find their contac information here.